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Mathematics at St Philip Howard:


Our intent for mathematics at St Philip Howard School is for children to achieve mastery and to develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. Teachers will have high expectations of all children.


Children across the school will :-

  • Have fun exploring and investigating number in practical ways
  • Be positive about their mathematical skills
  • Have secure knowledge
  • Learn the importance of accuracy
  • Have opportunities to apply their skills across the curriculum and in their daily lives


 As a result children will develop fluency,   confidence and resilience in mathematics, they   will  have a “can do” attitude and lots of fun and   positivity on their journey towards excellence.


 How do we do this?

For a number of years we have been using HfL's Essential Maths planning. At the start of 2022-23 academic year we introduced Mastering Number (NCETM) in Reception to Year 2. (Due to Covid recovery our Year 3's have also used the programme in 2022/23.) Since Sept 2020 members of staff have been involved in the Teaching for Mastery work group and staff training across the school has been based on the NCETM materials. All staff are using NCETM planning supported by White Rose. NCETM planning is based on the Mastery approach where the steps are small, this works well with our current cohort. In 2023/24 we were part of the pilot programme of Mastering Number which was created to address multiplicative reasoning for Years 4 and 5. 


What is teaching for mastery?

Mastering maths means pupils of all ages acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. The phrase ‘teaching for mastery’ describes the elements of classroom practice and school organisation that combine to give pupils the best chances of mastering maths. Achieving mastery means acquiring a solid enough understanding of the maths that’s been taught to enable pupils to move on to more advanced material.



The impact on our children is clear: progress, sustained learning and transferable skills. Our children understand the importance of Mathematics to access all areas of life and daily living, and build their skills to support their understanding of the world around them. 

Assessment in Mathematics is on going. Teachers assess as they work through each topic and at the end, giving the children opportunities to apply their learning.


 Pupil Voice - What does it mean to be a good mathematician today?


Maths Apps to support your child's Learning


The school has subscribed to Times Table Rockstars (Key Stage 2 ) and Numbots (Reception and Key Stage 1). The children all have a personal log-in. 

The link for signing in can be found on the school website  https://sphoward.greenhousecms.co.uk/Class-Pages/


 We recommend using MyMaths, an app/website that we provide login details for.

On MyMaths you can access objective related to your child's learning at school. Some classes will have specific activities set, but you are also able to access other areas of learning that your child feels they need more practise on. Feel free to look at previous year groups if you need to go back a step.


We recommend 1Minute Maths by White Rose (phone app).

This focuses on fluency in addition, subtraction and subitising for Early Years and Key Stage 1 and multiplication and division for Key Stage 2.



 We also recommend Sushi Monster  by Scholastic (app)

Players solve a series of addition and multiplication maths problems. Again this is great to improve fluency.


The Essence of Mathematics Teaching for Mastery 




Curriculum Prioritisation Maps for each Year Group (Yearly Overview)








