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New Nursery Children

Welcome to Nursery year at St Philip Howard School!

We are delighted that you have chosen us to support your child's next steps in their learning journey. We aim to make the transition to Nursery as smooth and positive as possible.

 This section of our website will give you general information about starting Nursery. If you need a paper copy of any of these documents, please telephone the school office and we can post one out to you. We will be contacting parents soon to arrange home visit meetings to introduce your class teacher and to answer any questions you may have.

 Nursery children will have a later start date in September and will begin their first week with a staggered start to introduce them to the setting gradually. In the meantime you can telephone the school office with any queries on 01707 263969 or email Mrs S Gajjar, Early Years Leader, on sgajjar@sphoward.herts.sch.uk



