1,2,3 do the dinosaur
This week we read 1,2,3 do the dinosaur, we looked at the rhyming words in the story and thought about the actions that could go with the words. The children had a go at matching some rhyming words, using pictures. The children created masks to act out the story along with role playing with dinosaurs in the tuff spot.
In maths we looked at the number 5, what it looks like and how it is formed. ~We used our fingers to represent 5 frogs and sand 5 speckled frogs, counting each time how many we had left when we took 1 away. The children then got a chance to play with the teddy frogs singing the song, They practised counting out an amount of objects and had a go at cutting and sticking the numbers to match the amount of dots.
In PE we had a go at ball skills, throwing and catching a ball by ourselves and then with a partner.
Nursery Spring Week 3. 1,2,3 do the dinosaur