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Hey Water!

This week we looked at different pictures of water. We spoke about where the pictures are from, what is on there and what we can do with water. We then looked at a story about water and its uses. The children then had lots of water and ice play, talking about what it feels like - hot, cold, freezing and what happens to water when its cold or when its frozen and it warms up. We created pictures using water and oil mixed to create a marble effect. 

In maths we practised or counting up to and back from 10. We did this through counting rhymes. The children had lots of fun taking away paper sausages in a pan and 10 green bottles. 

For PE we started our sports day preparation, doing some of the activities that we will do in the carousel and practising our running races, waiting for our turn and until we hear the word 'go'. 

Linking back to our story from before half term, the nursery have got some caterpillars. We are in the process of watching them eat and grow big before making chrysalis' and turning into butterflies. This is a great opportunity for your child to watch and I hope they share their progress with you over the coming days and weeks.

Nursery Summer 2 Week 7 Hey Water!