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Parent Voice

We encourage the views of parents and record them in many ways.

Each morning, Mrs Waugh is at the main playground gate to greet parents and pupils and is available for a quick informal chat.

If you need to talk to your child's teacher, it is best to do so at the end of the day when they have more time.Teachers adopt an open door policy after school each day except Wednesday(staff meeting night).

Please contact the school office if you need to have a longer meeting with Mrs Waugh or you need to see the SENDCo, Mrs Field.

The governors obtain the views of parents from their coffee mornings and the exit interviews with Year 6 parents in the Summer Term.

During our Consultation evenings, we have questionnaires based on different areas of school life.

Please see the most recent results below.

Ofsted are also interested in the views of parents. If you follow the link below, you are able to discover current opinions or add your own.


Result of questionnaires can lead to policy changes eg the change of times of Breakfast Club or the need to review our current practice eg. the request for better communication has led to the production of our weekly newsletter, The Week Ahead, which is emailed to all parents, staff and governors on a Friday and posted on our website.