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Rainbow - Week 1 - ABC's Of What I Can Be

 Welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely Christmas break. 

This half term we will be on the topic of 'People who help us'. We will have visitors into school to see us and we will have a trip to the local library. 

Our topic book this week was 'ABCs of what I can be.' We spoke about different jobs, and some of the children shared what their parents/carers jobs are too. The children also spoke about the job that they would like to have when they are older. Lots of future doctors and police men and women and teachers in Rainbow!

Our Drawing Club book has been 'Where the Wild Things are'. The children drew a wild thing, and thought of ways Max could escape without his boat. In the Autumn term, we worked hard on writing cvc words independently. In Spring Term, we will be working towards writing simple captions to go with our drawings. 

In RE, we have been discussing the three wise men and their journey to visit Jesus. The children shared what presents they would take to baby Jesus. 

In Maths, we have been exploring length.

Rainbow Spring week 1