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Rainbow - Week 1 - Jack and the Beanstalk

Our topic this term will be Traditional Tales Minibeasts.

This week Jack and the Beanstalk has been our topic and our Drawing Club book. The children have enjoyed drawing the giant, drawing the giant's castle and thinking about what Jack spends his money on.

In Forest School, we had a look around the school outdoor areas to see if Spring has really sprung yet. We found lots of flowers blooming including some bluebells and daisys on the ground. We also saw some blossom on the new fruit trees. Diego spotted some cherry blossom on the trees on the main road outside school.

In Maths we have been counting things that we cannot see, such as claps and jumps. We have also been learning strategies that we can use to help us count large amounts. 

The children enjoyed building the Giant's castle outside using big cardboard boxes, as well as exploring our outdoor environment now the grass is not so muddy. 

 I have done a comparison in name writing between the Autumn and Summer terms and I am so impressed with the progress the children have made. We are super proud of them all!


Rainbow Week 1 Jack and the Beanstalk