Rainbow Week 10 Looking after the sea
Our Drawing Club book has been 'Would you rather', the children have had great fun with this book. On Thursday, the children had to chose a teacher, and decide whether they would lock them in a room with cute, cuddly animals, or scary animals. Miss Aitken has been locked in lots of rooms with spiders and snakes!!!!
Our topic book this week has been Somebody Has Eaten Stanley, which is all about a plastic bag called Stanley that got swallowed by different sea creatures. We have been talking about ways we can make sure we look after the sea and beaches.
In Forest School, we worked in groups with Sunshine to make special prayer spaces. It was lovely in the forest as it was nice and cool.
In Maths we have been going over doubles, odds and evens. We started looking at sharing and halving too.
In Expressive Arts and Design we created our own version of the 'Les Betes De La Mer' Take a look in our photos to see it.
Rainbow week 10 Looking after the sea