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 Rainbow - Week 2 - The Dentist

This week, we have been learning about the Dentist. We spoke about what the dentist is, and what happens there. Some of the children shared their own experiences of the dentist. We learnt how we must keep our teeth clean and healthy, by brushing twice a day, and eating and drinking food items that are healthy for our teeth. 

In RE, we have been speaking about how Jesus is God's son, and how He came for us all; He loves and cares for everyone. We created a class poem on what love is, and how we can show love. We learnt the songs  'Jesus Loves Me' and 'Jesus' love is very wonderful' 

Our Drawing Club book this week has been Drawing Club (One of Miss Aitken's favourites!).

In Maths we have been recognising numerals up to 5, and matching quantities to a given number. 

We have been experimenting with colours, mixing colours, and seeing what colour they make. 

We completed our first Science experiment this week. We put 3 boiled eggs (representing our teeth) in 3 different liquids, coca cola, water and vinegar. We predicted what we thought might happen. On Friday, we had a look and a feel of all of the eggs. We noticed that the egg in water did nothing, it looked and felt the same. The egg in coke had become stained and a lot darker. The top layer of the egg shell rubbed off the egg vinegar, and it became soft! We decided that the water is the healthiest for our teeth. 

In PE, we have begun our new topic of Gymnastics. We had fun making strong, still shapes, pretending to be astronauts, flying in space in our rocket ship and finding some alien friends. 

Rainbow Spring Week 2 The Dentist