Rainbow - Week 2 - Little Red Riding Hood
The Traditional Tale that we looked at this week was Little Red Riding Hood. The children tried 'hot seating' and pretended to be various characters from the story, they answered the questions the class asked them.
Our Drawing Club book has been 'Billy and the Beast' The children LOVED this story as did I!! The children are doing really well with their writing, and lots more are writing independently. The children need to remember to sound out the word as they write, so they do not miss any sounds in their writing.
In Maths we have been using our subitising skills again, this time to subitise 6.
In RE, we are beginning to learn about the church. Miss Aitken and Mrs Harvey-Smith showed the class some photos of their church , as well as looking at pictures and discussing Marychurch and St Peter's, being our local parishes. If your child goes to a different church, please email Miss Aitken with the name so we can see different churches, thank you.
In Forest School, we discussed different minibeasts, and then we went on a hunt in the forest. We managed to find quite a few!
Rainbow Week 2 Little Red Riding Hood