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Rainbow - Week 4 - Three Billy Goat's Gruff

Even though this week has been a shorter week, we have been super busy!

On Tuesday, Zoolab came to class and they bought different minibeasts to show us. Have a look at the photographs and see what your child can remember.

Tuesday was Ascension Day, so we started with Mass and then continued in class to learn about what Ascensiuon Day is with some creative activities.

This week our Drawing Club focus has been The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children have been thinking about how else the goats can get across the river and what other animal the troll might want to eat. 

In Maths we continued to look at composition of numbers, but we have been thinking about how we can make the numbers up to 10, using 5 and a bit. 

Rainbow Week 4 The Three Billy Goats Gruff


Rainbow Week 4 Zoolab