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Rainbow - Week 5 - Firefighters

 This week our topic has been about firefighters. Unfortunately, the firefighters from Hatfield Fire Station couldn't come on Tuesday, as they were out rescuing a horse. (We're hoping they can come next week instead) This gave us a great talking point, as we learnt that firefighters not only put fires out, and rescue people from burning buildings, but they also help animals when they are stuck. 

Drawing Club has been on Colour Monster. We are continuing to work on our simple caption writing. 

In Maths, we continued to learn about composition of number. Last week we learnt about how we can make 5, this week, we learnt how we can make 6. 

In PE, we got some apparatus out, and practised jumping off safely. Always remembering to bend our knees when we jump and when we land. 

In Forest School, we spoke about fire safety and enjoyed toasted marshmallows around a fire. The children were all very sensible around the fire. 

It was lovely to have so many of you come to our first Stay and Read. The children really enjoyed having you in the class with them. The next one will be on World Book Day which is the 6th of March. 

Rainbow week 5 Spring