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Rainbow - Week 4- Superhero Dad

 In Phonics, we have learnt 3 new sounds - p, i and n. 

We have started Drawing Club this week, the children have been concentrating on drawing and beginning to form some letters. Our Drawing Club book has been Penguin. 

Our topic book this week has been Superhero Dad. The children shared about their Dads, Uncles and Grandads, and some even drew or created them with playdough. 

In Maths, we have been counting one to one. We have been teaching Frank the Dragon (puppet) the counting rules, and helped him count his toys. 

In  PE, we practiced balancing and throwing beanbags.

In Understanding the World, we looked at pictures of the past and present of hoovers, televisions, computers and cars. We played spot the difference, and spoke about how things have changed. The children were excited to have a go on a typewriter.

In Expressive Arts and Design, we have been mark making listening to music. 

In Forest School, I set the children different challenges. They had to find 3 brown leaves, 5 yellow leaves, a stick the size of your thumb and a conker shell. The children had great fun doing this, and they enjoyed exploring the forest.