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Rainbow - Week 5 - Lost and Found

This week our topic book has been Lost and Found, we spoke about how the little boy and the penguin became great friends. The children shared their ideas on how we can be good friends. 

Our Drawing Club book, has been Dear Zoo. The children have enjoyed drawing different animals. Some children have begun to write words with sounds that we have learnt, which is fantastic!

We have learnt the sounds m and d in phonics. We have been practising writing our letters correctly. We have now learnt all of the sounds for the first unit, so children who know s a t p i n m d, will have a book with words from Monday to take home to read. 

In Maths we have been learning how 1 and 1 makes 2, 1 and 1 and 1 makes 3 and 1 and another 1 and another 1 AND another 1 makes 4. 

In RE, we have looked at God's gift of creation. The children shared how they show love to their friends and family. We also looked at ways we can look after God's creation. 

In PE, we practised our throwing and catching!

In Forest School, the children made faces using materials from the forest. Some children got very creative!!

On Thursday, we had Hello Yellow Day for Mental Health, the children all wore yellow, and bought something for the food bank (thank you!) 

In Expressive Arts and Design, we have begun to paint our self portraits. Watch out for some that will be displayed on the window when they are finished!


Week 5 Lost and Found