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Rainbow Week 8- At the Beach

We continued to talk about the beach and what we can get up to when we go to the beach. The children shared some of the activities they have done with their families.

Our Drawing Club book was the Night Pirates. The children enjoyed designing their pirate boat, and thinking of what was hiding in the treasure chest, lots said Miss Aitken was hiding in there!!!

In Maths we have been looking about fewer, more and equal. We have been using the rekenreks to represent each.

We had such a great time in Forest School this week, although it was a little wet with some June showers, the children all got stuck into their activity. The children had to collect 10 of the same item, and then they checked by using the tens frame. The children made sure they had collected the right amount, or whether they had collected fewer or more than needed.

In RE, we have been learning about the Priest, what they do and who are our local priests are, With it being Fathers Day at the weekend, we spoke about what makes them special. 


Rainbow week 8 At the beach