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Rainbow - Week 8 - We're going on a Bear Hunt

 Our Topic for this half term is Me and My Community. 

This week our topic book is We're Going on a Bear Hunt. We have been talking about journeys and where we live. 

Drawing Club has been on the Three Little Pigs. The children have been building houses, making sure they are sturdy so the wolf cannot blow it down. 

In Maths we are continugng to work on counting, the order of numbers and the value of each number. This week our focus is 5. We know that 5 is made of 1 and another 1 and another 1 and another 1 and another 1 and another 1.

Diwali is our focus in RE. We have learnt how Diwali is celebrated and the story behind it. We made beautiful rangoli patterns using lots of different resources. 

In Forest School we have been thinking about animal homes. 

In PE, we have started our new PE unit called Fairy Tale Dance. 

Week 8 We're going on a bear hunt