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Remote / Home Learning 

In case there is need for remote learning from home, please note the following:

work is uploaded daily onto your child's Google classroom page. As close as is possible, it will follow the pattern of our school day and the lessons being taught in school. For some lessons eg PE it will be a link to a video.

Instructions are on the page as to how to submit work and how to contact your teacher.

If you don't have a laptop, tablet or computer for your child, please contact Mrs Turley at the school office. She will arrange the loan of one.

Please contact Mrs Turley if you have internet issues at home or any problems logging in. We are here to help.

There is a direct Google Classroom link below.



Google Classroom

We are are now using Google Classroom to enable all of our pupils to access weekly homework and to learn from home when in isolation. 

Every child has a unique login to the Classroom.You can find their login in the front of their Reading Record

Google Classroom is a safe and secure solution for children to access learning materials directly from their class teachers; a location in which they can collaborate with their peers by sharing useful websites and tips to completing assignments; a hub to allow blended learning direct from their school classrooms into the comfort of their own homes.

By clicking the image above, you will be taken directly to the Google Classroom webpage. On the right, you will see an option to sign-in. Once in, you will be in your class page which will be full of fun assignments and revision-style materials.


Home Learning Zone.

This is where we will set activities for you to complete at home, together with providing the necessary support and guidance you may require.

Within this zone you will see; 

Video Centre where you will find videos of activities and guidance on how to approach tasks.

Class Blog which is where we will communicate with you. You can access your class blog and post questions or comments you have about the activities you are completing.

In order to access the blog and start to communicate with your teacher you will require your blogging username and password which your teacher will provide.