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Special Educational Needs at St Philip Howard Catholic School

 Sign of the Week

Our School Offer

In 2014, schools were required to publish information about services they provide for children with disabilities and Special Educational Needs. This is called our ‘School Offer’. It includes information such as:

  • How we identify Special Needs.
  • What provision we have in place for Special Needs Children.
  • The professionals and services that we work with.
  • Who to speak to and what to do if you have concerns about your child.

Our Special Educational Needs Policy

SEND Policy 2023-24

Our School Information Report (School Offer)

UPDATED school-information-report-2023-24.docx

Accessibility Plan

Our Accessibility Plan covers the following 3 areas:

How we increase the extent to which pupils with disabilities can participate in our curriculum.

How we improve our school's physical environment to increase the extent to which pupils with disabilities can take advantage of what our school provides.

Improving the delivery to pupils with disabilities of information that is readily accessible to pupils without disabilities.

Accessibility Plan, until 2025.docx


Our complaints procedures, including those for SEND are available on our policy page or can be requested from the office.

The Local Offer

The Hertfordshire Local Offer. The Local Offer lets parents and young people know what special educational needs and disabilities services are available in Hertfordshire, and who can access them.

Click to see the -Hertfordshire-local-offer

The SEND Leads for our school are Mrs Field & Miss Davies.
Please contact if you have any questions.

Email: lfield@sphoward.herts.sch.uk or adavies@sphoward.herts.sch.uk

Phone: 01707 263969


Privacy Notice Oct 16.pdf

Mental Health and Wellbeing