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Statement of Intent


The Science curriculum at St Philip Howard Catholic Primary School aims to:

  • give all children a strong understanding of the world around them.
  • providing them with specific skills and knowledge to enjoy science by ensuring that lessons are engaging and fun.
  • helping them to think scientifically to have access to the language and vocabulary of science. 
  • gain an understanding of scientific processes. 
  • develops their understanding of the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future.


Our intention is to develop them into budding scientists, who care for the world around them, are curious about what they see and experience, and are able to use science to understand how human activity impacts on the planet and how we can carry out our duty of care for God’s creation.


Our cross-curriculum and multi key stage approach helps us to embed the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. We link the National Curriculum with the beliefs and values of the gospel and the Catholic tradition, aspiring to reach the highest possible levels of learning. We call it Building the Kingdom. 



How do we do this?


Science is taught throughout the school in weekly lessons and is delivered by class teachers. 

The school uses Kapow which includes units of study linked to the National Curriculum and supports teachers with their lesson planning. Each of the units shows progression in the key scientific knowledge and concepts required from Year 1 to Year 6. Other sources may also be used to enhance the lessons in order to meet the needs of the children.

Kapow contains the most appropriate scientific vocabulary to be used when studying a particular area of science, a list of the scientists who are working, or have worked, in that particular area of science and practical activities to support the learning. 


There are numerous opportunities to observe and question; to explore and investigate; to predict; to use equipment safely; plan, conduct and reflect on investigations. 


Opportunities for cross curricular learning are used whenever possible. Wider opportunities to promote the love of science are made available with additional opportunities such as Science club.



In Early Years, children engage in scientific activities through their study of Understanding the World (UW). Reception pupils follow the Early Years Curriculum for UW and are assessed initially against Development Matters criteria, moving to the Early Years Profile towards the end of their Reception year.





As a result of our curriculum, children at St Philip Howard Catholic Primary School develop a love of science and an increased understanding of the impact that the subject can have on their own and others’ lives. 

Teachers regularly assess to ensure that children are working at age related expectations. Some children are supported through scaffolding resources and others are challenged to use a greater depth of understanding. 

Catholic Social teaching and cross curriculum links, are made where possible to enrich learning.

They can demonstrate a clear progression of knowledge and skills in Science and have an understanding of how Science can be used to benefit society. 

Our teaching ensures that they become resourceful learners who develop independent thinking and questioning skills by the time they leave our school and they go to secondary school with a good scientific knowledge on which to base their deeper learning. 

In addition, our children also develop an understanding of the importance of caring for the environment sustainably on a variety of levels, including in their own locality and in relation to communities around the world.


Science Overview 2024-2025