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Sunshine Week 8 - Jack and the Beanstalk

 Our topic book this week is Jack and theBeanstalk. We are planning on planting some beans to watch how they grow. 

Our Drawing Club book is The Little Red Hen, we will be writing simple sentences based on the story.

In maths we are ordering and comparing numbers using the stem sentence 5 is more than .... .
In Religious  Education we will learn about Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. We will make pancakes and there will be a special Ash Wednesday service.

We continue to think about Spring and will be doing some observational drawings of Spring flowers and attempting to build a nest in Forest School.

On World Book Day we had a Stay and Read - Thank you to all the parents who came and joined us. The children also read books with their buddies, had a book swap and had a mystery reader at the end of the day.



Sunshine Spring Week 8 Jack and the Beanstalk