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Week 4 - Superhero Dad

 This week we are thinking about dad's. The children have told me why their Dads,  Uncles or Grandfathers are super hero's. 

We have introduced Drawing Club this week and the children have been trying hard with their pictures and have started to form some letters. 

In PE we had the beanbags and practised balancing them and throwing them. 

Religious Education this week has been about knowing that each one of us is unique and loved by God. We had a chance to talk about what makes each one of us special.

In Expressive art and design we have been making marks in response to music, we have used pens, pencils and chalks to do this.

Counting one to one has been the focus for our maths. The children have been helping Dennis the Dragon (a puppet) to learn to count his toys. We have been practising our own one to one counting too.

In the forest we have been using our eyes to look very carefully to see what different kinds of things that we can find.

Sunshine Autumn Week 4