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Week 4 - The Librarian

As we continue to think about People Who Help Us, this week we are thinking about the Librarian. We will be visiting Hatfield Library and learning all about how the library works. The library is free to join and they also have a story time on Saturday mornings 11.15-11.45pm which everyone is welcome to attend. The children have also been asked to bring in their favourite books to how to the class and explain why they have chosen their book. We will try and read as many of them as we can.

The Hairy Toe is our book for drawing club and I am trying to encourage the children to write simple phrases rather than individual words.

In mathematics we are thinking about the composition of 5. We are using the song '5 Little Speckled Frogs' to help us understand all the different ways that you can make 5.

In Religious Education we will be learning about Jesus welcoming the little children and the children will be thinking about how they make other people feel welcome.

Forest School this week will involve drawing faces on the trees using chalks.

In Gymnastics we were learning some different types of jumps.


Sunshine Spring Week 4 The Librarian