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Week 5 & 6 - The Firefighters and Wellbeing Week

This week we are thinking about Firefighters and what they do to help other people. The firefighters from Hatfield Fire Station are coming to speak to us and they will bring the fire engine for us to see. We have been thinking of questions that we would like to ask them.

In drawing club our book is The Colour Monster - we will continue to work on writing captions.

In maths we continue to think about the composition of number. The children are very good at telling me two numbers that make 5, we will now be thinking about the composition of 6.

In PE we have had the apparatus out this week. The children were very good at listening and jumping safely. We have been working on star jumps and rocket jumps.

We are hoping that the forest has dried out so that we can get to forest school. We will be thinking about fire safety and will be making a fire in the log circle.

Thank you to all the parents who came into school for the Stay and Read. The children loved having you in class with them. The next one will be on World Book Day - 6th March. 

Sunshine Spring Week 5 & 6


 Th Fiefighters came to visit. They told us all about their job and all the different ways that they help people. Ask your child what they can remember. The children had homework which was to ask if there are smoke alarms that work in their house? If not, the Firefighters can come to your house and install one for free. ( contact Hatfield Firestation 01707346900)

Sunshine -Spring The FireFighter Visit

 Wellbeing Week

We have had lots of fun with movies in class, a visit from the firefighters, a disco and we still have the bouncy castle and a talent show to come.