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Week 9- Seaside Animals

This week we have been looking at and talking about the creatures that we might find in the sea. We have spoken about our favourite sea creatures, dolphins, whales and ocotpuses seem to be some favourites!

We have had Sports Day this week, with Tuesday being our race day and Wednesday we had our sports carousel with Year 1. 

In Maths we are thinking about numbers bigger than 20. We collected 6 and 8 objects and displayed them in a way that is easy to subitise. 

We had a special assembly on Wednesday called the NED show, all the way from California, USA. The children learnt what NED stands for. N= Never giving up E= Encourage others D= Do your best. We have been talking about resilience and we need to keep on trying, even if we find something hard, if we keep on trying, we will get there! 

In Forest School we had great fun den building and making shelters. 

Rainbow week 9