Year 1C Summer Term Week 10 Learning - week ending 28.06.24
RE: Judaism
On Tuesday, an outside visitor, Ruth, came to speak with the children about her faith, Judaism, and the children took part in a workshop to learn about 'Shabbat', the name for the Jewish 'Day of Rest'. They learned the importance of this special day each week, and the traditions which happens in Jewish homes on this day. The children had the opportunity to lay a Dining Table ready for 'Shabbat' as well as designing a cloth for the Challah Bread and investigating a range of resources related to 'Shabbat'.
Science - Grouping Animals
In this week's lesson, the children worked in groups and investigated grouping animals in different ways by looking at their features. For example; do they have four legs or not, do they have fur or not, do they have scales or not, do they have wings or not. The children had a range of pictures of different animals which they had to place on to the correct part of a Carroll Diagram.
Computers - Programming Animations - making a change
In this week's lesson, the children looked at changing the numbers on the commands within a program.
English - Verbs
In one of our lessons this week, we looked at what a 'verb' is and then made a list of 'doing words' together.
Maths - 'First, Then, Now ........' Stories in Maths Mastery
We arranged cubes on to 'bus' pictures to create our own 'first, then, now' stories and also represented these as cherry models and equations. We practised saying the stories aloud to our friends.
Forest School - investigating different trees
We explored different trees and the leaves which grow on them. We learned that we can identify a tree by looking at its leaves. We made some leaf rubbings from the leaves which we had collected in Forest School.
History - Victorian School Days
We explored different artefacts which would have been seen in a Victorian classroom and investigated whether any of these are still seen in our classrooms today and what are the differences between then and now.
Here is the photo gallery from our learning this week:
Year 1 - 1C Summer Term - Weekly Learning - Week 10