Year 1C Summer Term Week 4 Learning - Week Commencing 6th May 2024
English - How To Wash A Woolly Mammoth
Our focus book in English is 'How To Wash A Woolly Mammoth' and we were finding out what makes an effective set of instructions. We looked at differentiating between questions, commands and statements. We learned that effective instructions contain command words to make the instructions clear to the reader or listener.
Geography - School Days
In this week's lesson, we began by looking on Google Earth at where St. Philip Howard School is located on a map of the United Kingdom. Then, we looked more closely at the school's environment and we drew a sketch of the buildings and school grounds which we added labels to.
Science - Plant Parts
In this week's lesson, we learned that some plants grow from seeds while others grow from bulbs and that seeds and bulbs can have different varieties. We studied at first hand a selection of different bulbs and seeds and we drew diagrams of these as well as diagrams of the plants which grow from the different seeds and bulbs.
PE - Multi-Skills
This week was the last in a series of four sessions led by Year 10 Students from Bishop's Hatfield Girls' School. The children worked on developing ball skills in football, netball and hockey as well as having the opportunity to try out an obstacle course. The children worked on their individual skills as well as combining their skills to work with a partner and in small teams.
Year 1C - Summer Term - Week 4 Learning Gallery
Year 1C - Summer Term - Week 4 Learning