Year 1C Summer Term - Week 5 Learning - week commencing 13th May 2024
RE - The Resurrection - Jesus and Thomas
This week, we learned about how Thomas did not believe that Jesus was alive. We learned that Jesus appeared to Thomas so that he could see and touch him. In partners, we acted out the story and then reflected upon this story in our writing.
English - How To Wash A Woolly Mammoth
This week, our focus was writing a set of instructions for our own chosen animal. The selection chosen ranged from Grizzly Bears to Dancing Pink Flamingos. We began by making a plan, writing key words for each instruction, and then we used the plan to write out each step of the set of instructions. Before writing our sentences, we rehearsed them out loud to a partner.
Maths - Addition and Subtraction: - strategies within 10
This week, we looked at these statements; adding two to an odd number gives the next odd number; adding two to an even number gives the next even number; subtracting two from an odd number gives the previous odd number; subtracting two from an even number gives the previous even number; consecutive odd numbers have a difference of two; consecutive even numbers have a difference of two. We demonstrated these concepts with concrete manipulatives (odd and even number lines, counters and tens frames) and pictorially. We represented First, Then, Now stories with cherry models and equations.
Forest School - using a fire steel
This week, we had the opportunity to learn how to create a spark, using a fire steel. We had to apply some pressure to be able to use the fire steel effectively but, with some practice, we were able to create sparks - very exciting!
Art - Street View - James Rizzi
This week, we created individual 3D art pieces. We cut out corrugated cardboard pieces to stick to the back of our shapes to create a 3D street image.
Science - Plant Parts - Leaves
This week, we became 'investigators' in our Science lesson. We studied a variety of leaves using magnifiers and then we drew diagrams of our observations and labelled the parts of a leaf.
Geography - Our Locality
During this week's lesson, as a whole class, we created a list of the physical and human features which we see in our locality in Hatfield. We thought about what we see when we are travelling to and from school as well as looking at the local environment on Google Earth on our class whiteboard.
On Thursday, we continued learning further skills in Tennis and on Friday we worked on ball control in Football, tennis and throwing.
Computers - Digital Writing
We worked in pairs to edit a piece of text in a word document. We used the tool bar to change the font size and to practise using 'bold', 'underline' and 'italic'.
Wearing Green for Mental Health Awareness Week
On Friday, we came to school wearing something green to promote Mental Health Awareness Week. We brought items from home to stock our School Food Bank.
Our Learning Gallery - 13th May - 17th May 2024
Year 1C - Summer Term - Learning Gallery - Week 5