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Year 1C Summer Term - Week 6 Learning

Year 1C - Summer Term - Learning Gallery - Week 6







 English -

Poetry Appreciation - We listened to a selection of different poems being performed and then selected our favourite poem to write a sentence about.  

Maths -

This week, our focus was doubling and halving numbers to 10 and writing equations to show that halving is the inverse of doubling. 

Computers - 

This week, we worked on editing text.  We looked at the 'undo/redo' button to see how we could use this function to amend text. 

Art - James Rizzi

This week we made a whole class display on the theme of James Rizzi.

First, we sketched a building from some photographs taken when we visited Hatfield Town Centre.  Then, we painted our own building, using primary colours and exploring colour mixing to make some secondary colours. Finally, we added some detail to our class painting.  We each chose to draw one of the following items;  a car, an aeroplane, a bird, a bus.  We layered cardboard to the back of these to create a 3-D effect.