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Year 1C - Summer Term -

Week 8 Learning - 

week commencing 10th June 2024


English - Poetry

This week, we continued to look at poems.  On Monday, the children did some 'hot seating'.  They had to write down a question which they would like to ask a dinosaur.  The children took turns at 'hot seating' as a dinosaur and had to answer questions posed to them. 

On Wednesday, we looked at a poem called 'In the Quiet of the Trees' and then the children drew a picture in response to hearing the poem.  

DT - Chop, Slice, Mash

This week, we learned that some foods need to be prepared prior to eating.  We talked about hand washing and washing food as good hygiene to prevent the spread of germs.  We had a range of different foods and thought about how they could be prepared and what tools to use for the different food preparation.  We took turns to peel, slice, chop, grate and mash.  We observed the look and texture of the different foods. 

PE - Outdoor Adventure

This week's lesson looked at working with a partner in different challenges.  Were we able to work with a partner to give clear  instructions to them?  We took it in turns to lead a partner around an obstacle course, giving instructions for them to follow. 

Computers - 

We looked at an animation program 'Scratch'.  We had to find and use commands to move a sprite on the screen. 

Forest School - Seasons

Today, we talked about the seasons and which season we are now in.  We worked with a partner to explore and find 'signs of summer' in Forest School.  

Year 1C - Summer Term - Learning Gallery - Week 8