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Year 1C Summer Term Week 9 Learning - Week ending 21.06.24


RE - Helping Others

This week, we listened to a story about someone helping another person when they were in need.  We understand that God wants us to think about helping others.  We thought about times when we are able to help others.

Computers - Programming Animations 

This week, working on Scratch Junior, we practised joining command blocks together and then running the programs which we had made. 

DTChop, Slice and Mash

In this week's lesson, we created our own salad using a variety of different salad items.   When we had prepared our own salad, we were able to taste it. 

Forest School - Nature

In this week's lesson, we went on a 'leaf hunt' to investigate different leaf forms.  

PE - Sports Day

On Tuesday, we took part in running races and the carousel of activities on Wednesday morning.  

Here is our photo gallery from this week's activities: 

Year 1C - Summer Term - Learning Gallery - Week 9